Article author: 
Džemal Cinac
Year the article was released: 
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Article abstract: 
Abstract: Sarajevo is the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina and represents the largest urban, cultural, economic and transport center, with seven major roads connected to other parts of the country. A large number of cities in the world have a problem with parking requirements, and Sarajevo is not an exception. Because of that, there is a need for reducing traffic flows in the nearest city center by using “smart solutions” that advocate vignettes or other billing for entry into the city center, such as the Park & ​​Ride Concept, with with the aim of reducing pollution and environmental pollution. The Park & ​​Ride system is a highly functional way of reducing the number of vehicles coming to a larger city, and it works by getting public transport terminals closer to each other, rebuilding or building a new parking lot where drivers park their passenger cars and continue the route with public transport to the very center of the city. Since Park & ​​Ride facilities are expensive and spend fairly precious city land, so their planning and construction needs to be accessed extremely thoroughly and rationally. It is extremely important to have a set of criteria according to which investment decisions will be made, which does not mean that their number in advance guarantees a successful planning process. Traffic system analysis in Sarajevo is based on the analysis of the load and number of passenger cars, an analysis of the number of public parking lots in the city center and the possibility of implementing the Park & ​​Ride system. According to data from automatic traffic counters, there are 29,822 AADT vehicles wich enter the city center and 32,877 AADT vehicles of wich leaving the city. There are frequent queues that last for 2-3 semaphore cycles on the stock, which represents the need of building innovative solutions that make up a part of every concept of “Smart Cities”. In this paper, AHP method has been applied which provides a good basis for multi-criteria evaluation and ranking of future Park & ​​Ride facilities. The AHP method is also suitable for use in cases where pure economic criteria may not be sufficient to make final decisions. This paper is based on the critical analysis of previous experience and the research carried out by the author, and it defines the main criteria that need to be applied in the planning of Park & ​​Ride facilities development. Eight locationst are detected at the very entrance to the nearest city center of Sarajevo, which are directly linked to the public transport infrastructure, which would be ideal for implementing the Park & ​​Ride concept.
Keywords: Smart Cities, P & R System, AADT.
Sažetak: Prilikom analize saobraćajnog sistema u Sarajevu bazirat ćemo se na analizi opterećenosti i intenziteta korištenja putničkih automobila, analizi broja javnih parkirališta u centru grada, te na mogućnostima implementacije Park & Ride sistema. Prema podacima sa automatskih brojača saobraćaja u uže gradsko jezgro grada Sarajeva ulazi 29.822 vozila PGDS-a, a iz grada izlazi 32.877 vozila PGDS-a. Česta su čekanja koja traju 2-3 semaforska ciklusa na dionicama, što nam govori o samoj potrebi izgradnje inovativnih rješenja koja čine sastavni dio svakog koncepta “Pametnih gradova“. U ovom radu je primijenjena metoda AHP koja daje dobru osnovu za višekriterijsko vrednovanje i rangiranje budućih Park & Ride objekata. Metoda AHP je i inače pogodna za upotrebu u slučajevima kada čisti ekonomski kriteriji ne mogu biti dostatni za donošenje konačnih odluka. U ovom radu su također na temelju kritičke analize prethodnih iskustava i istraživanja provedenih od strane autora definisani glavni kriteriji koje je potrebno primijeniti u planiranju razvoja Park & Ride objekata. Također smo definisali 8 lokacija koje se nalaze na samim ulazima u uže gradsko jezgro grada Sarajeva, a koje su povezane direktno sa infrastrukturom javnog gradskog prijevoza, odnosno koje bi bile idealne za implementaciju Park & Ride koncepta.
Ključne riječi: Pametni gradovi, urban management, P&R sistem, PGDS.