Article author: 
Aleksandra B. Vidović
Year the article was released: 
Edition in this Year: 
Article abstract: 
Abstract: The rapid growth of social entrepreneurship is characterized by an increase in social inequalities alone poverty in the world, which is a consequence of the development of globalization. About social entrepreneurship and its achievements in Bosnia and Herzegovina generally how little he knows and works, which is why it is the space for I’m still challenge for systematic research. This research is based on the development of social entrepreneurship and the importance of the application itself pointing adoption of this form of business in the next period in our region. The survey was conducted with the aim to highlight the importance of developing social entrepreneurship that provides this type of business, as well as to determine the level of knowledge in this kind of business. For this kind of research is used the qualitative research type and it was created a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of five questions, after completing research on a representative sample, the empirical data are processed and statistical programs: SPSS 22 and Stat Plus 2009. The work is set I tested the following null hypothesis H0-Development of social entrepreneurship can successfully function on the territory of the Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Keywords: management, entrepreneurship, development, analysis. 


Apstrakt: Nagli rast socijalnog preduzetništva karakteriše porast socijalnih nejednakosti i siromaštva u svijetu, što predstavlja posljedicu razvoja globalizacije. O socijalnom preduzetništvu i njegovim dometima u Bosni i Hercegovini generalno jako malo se zna i radi, zbog čega ono predstavlja prostor i izazov za dalje i sistematičnije istraživanje. Predmet istraživanja odnosi se na razvoj socijalnog preduzetništva i na ukazivanje značaja primjene i usvajanja ovog oblika poslovanja u narednom periodu na našim prostorima. Istraživanje je urađeno sa ciljem da se ukaže na značaj razvoja socijalnog preduzetništva koje pruža ovaj vid poslovanja, kao i da se utvrdi nivo znanja ispitanika o ovakvoj vrsti poslovanja. Za ovu vrstu istraživanja korištena su kvalitativna istraživanja i formiran je upitnik. Upitnik je sastavljen od pet pitanja, nakon završenog istraživanja na reprezentativnom uzorku, empirijski podaci su obrađeni i statističkim programom SPSS 2 i StatPlus 2009. U radu je postavljena i testirana sljedeća nulta hipoteza H0-Razvoj socijalnog preduzetništva može uspješno da funkcioniše na teritoriji Republike Srpske/BiH.
Ključne riječi: upravljanje, preduzetništvo, razvoj, analiza.