Article author: 
Marko Todić, Milan Dajić
Year the article was released: 
Edition in this Year: 
Article abstract: 
Abstract: As part of electronic banking, mobile banking is developing as part of the services that banks offer to customers through the use of state-of-the-art mobile phones and tablet devices. This type of banking services has positive features of electronic banking allowing the customers to use these bank services, wherever they are, at any time of the day while on the move. In addition to numerous advantages, mobile banking has negative part also, starting from insufficient information, to mistrust of clients. Along with the development of mobile devices, primarily, the so-called smart mobile phones and tablets, mobile banking has experienced rapid grow in the past and has been developing greatly in recent years In order to successfully implement such a system of operations, technical and technological equipment of banks, trading companies, state institutions, as well as the population is necessary. Also, it is necessary to have the existence of the Internet, information literacy, culture of behavior and knowledge of the electronic payment system for economic organizations and population in R. Serbia. The subject of research of this paper is mobile banking as well as the perspective of mobile banking in Serbia. The aim of the paper is to determine how many citizens of the Republic of Serbia use mobile banking services. 
Key words: electronic banking, mobile commerce, mobile banking, SMS banking
Apstrakt: U okviru elektronskog bankarstva poslednje decenije se razvija mobilno bankarstvo kao deo usluga koje banke nude klijentima preko korišćenja najsavremenijih mobilnih telefona i tablet uređaja. Ovaj vid bankarskih usluga ima pozitivne osobine elektronskog bankarstva koje omogućavaju da klijenti koriste ove usluge banaka bilo gde da se nalaze, u svako doba dana, u pokretu. Pored brojnih prednosti mobilno bankarstvo ima i negativne strane, počevši od nedovoljne informisanosti, do nepoverenja dela klijenata. Uporedno sa razvojem mobilnih uređaja, prvenstveno tzv. pametnih mobilnih telefona i tableta, mobilno bankarstvo je dobilo uzlet i poslednjih godina se u velikoj meri razvija. Da bi se ovakav sistem poslovanja uspešno realizovao neophodna je tehničko-tehnološka opremljenost banaka, trgovinskih preduzeća, državnih institucija, kao i stanovništva. Takođe, neophodno je postojanje interneta, informatička pismenost, kultura ponašanja i poznavanje sistema elektronskog plaćanja privrednih organizacija i stanovništva u R. Srbiji. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je mobilno bankarstvo kao i perspektive mobilnog bankarstva u Srbiji. Cilj rada je utvrđivanja koliko stanovništvo R. Srbije koristi usluge mobilnog bankarstva.
Ključne reči: elektronsko bankarstvo, mobilna trgovina, mobilno bankarstvo, SMS bankarstvo