Article author: 
Zorka Grandov, Biljana Stankov, Maja Đokić
Year the article was released: 
Edition in this Year: 
Article abstract: 

Summary: Delhaize Group is one of the leading foreign investors in Serbia according to amount of invested funds, and judging by revenue earned in the Serbian market this company is the leader among local market participants within the retail sale of food and other products. Creating an attractive investment ambient in Serbia, in recent years there has been an increase in foreign direct investment which, among other things, infl uenced the creation of new jobs, primarily in manufacturing, followed by trade activity. In addition to the appreciation of the Law on Foreign Investment and the Law on Trade, foreign investors in Serbia within retail trade in particular have to respect the Law on Consumer Protection and take account of its obligations and duties. Avoiding all forms of unfair business practices, respect of defi ned rights of consumers, protecting their interests and ensuring maximum satisfaction are the priorities for retailers. Th e research problem relating to the attractiveness of Serbia as an investment destination, rights and obligations of foreign investors as stakeholders in the retail trade as well as consumer satisfaction in the area. Th e subject of research is the determination of the degree of consumer satisfaction with the services off ered by Delhaize Group. Th e overalobjective of the research relates to the identifi cation of the most important groups of factors that aff ect customer satisfaction, while the specifi c objective of the research implies that within the framework of the results determined by the intensity of the impact of each factor in order to identify which factors exert the strongest or the weakest infl uence on mentioned research subject. .. In the research process descriptive method was applied to describe as closely as possible the existing facts as they really are, and show the actual state of consumer satisfaction with the service provided by the Delhaize Group. In the process of collecting emprical data, the research participants i.e. consumers who make purchases at shops of Delhaize Group, have told about their own satisfacion by fi lling out the questionnaire.

Key words: Delhaize Group, foreign direct investment, consumer satisfaction


Rezime: Delhaize grupa predstavlja jednog od vodećih inostranih investitora u Srbiji gledano prema iznosu uloženih sredstava, a sudeći po prihodu koji ostvaruje na srpskom tržištu zauzima lidersku poziciju među lokalnim tržišnim učesnicima u okviru trgovine na malo prehrambenim i ostalim porizvodima. Kreiranjem atraktivnog investicionog ambijenta u Srbiji, poslednjih godina je došlo do porasta stranih direktnih investicija što je, između ostalog, uticalo i na otvaranje novih radnih mesta pre svega u proizvodnoj, a zatim i trgovinskoj delatnosti. Pored uvažavanja Zakona o stranim ulaganjima i Zakona o trgovini, inostrani investitori koji u Srbiji posluju u okviru delatnosti trgovine na malo posebno moraju poštovati Zakon o zaštiti potrošača i voditi računa o svojim obavezama i dužnostima. Izbegavanje svih oblika nepoštenog poslovanja, uvažavanje definisanih prava potrošača, zaštita interesa i obezbeđenje maksimalnog zadovoljstva su prioriteti za trgovce na malo. Istraživanje se odnosi na privlačnost Srbije kao investicione destinacije, prava i obaveze inostranih investitora kao aktera u trgovini na malo kao i na zadovoljstvo potrošača u toj oblasti. Predmet istraživanja podrazumeva utvrđivanje stepena zadovoljstva potrošača u Srbiji uslugama koje im pruža Delhaize grupa.Opšti cilj istraživanja se odnosi na identifikovanje najznačajnijih grupa faktora koje utiču na zadovoljstvo potrošača , dok poseban cilj istraživanja podrazumeva da se u okviru dobijenih rezultata odredi intenzitet uticaja svakog pojedinačnog faktora da bi se ustanovilo koji faktori ispoljavaju najjači, odnosno najslabiji uticaj na pomenuti predmet istraživanja. U istraživanju je primenjena deskriptivna metoda kako bi se što vernije opisale postojeće činjenice, onakvim kakve zaista jesu, i prikazalo stvarno stanje zadovoljstva potrošača u Srbiji pruženom uslugom od strane Delhaize grupe. U postupku prikupljanja empirijskih podataka ispitanici, odnosno potrošači koji obavljaju kupovine u objektima Delhaize grupe, su se o sopstvenom zadovoljstvu izjašnjavali popunjavanjem anketnog lista.

Ključne reči: Delhaize grupa, strane investicije, trgovina, zadovoljstvo potrošača